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Text Message Scams
Tassie Cars Sellers warned of SMS Scams
It has been brought to our attention that a number of sellers have received Text Messages from scammers posing as potential buyers.
The "Buyer" expresses interest in the vehicle, but makes an excuse as to why they cannot telephone the seller, then asks the seller to email them with more details.
Related Links |
General Scam Warnings
Selling Scams
Buying Scams |
Tell-tale signs that you've received an SMS scam
- If they ask you to reply to an email address, typically a free email address such as Hotmail or Yahoo.
- If they want to pay you by PayPal or similar internet payment gateway.
- If they want the car sent by a courier.
- If they claim they are currently overseas, a marine engineer or similar.
- If you try to phone the number that the SMS came from and your call is blocked.
One of our sellers has kindly supplied some of the text messages she has received.
- Hello, is ur Car still available 4 sale? pls get back at me with the firm price and ghe present condition of the Car via my email bentjohnson89@yahoo.com 0435132697
- Hello, is ur Car still available 4 sale? pls get back at me with the firm price and the present condition of the Car via my email (wesleydomenech@yahoo.com)Wesley 0403396733
- I'll like you to send me your address so that the courier services company can figure it out and come for the pick up and other necessary things....more so,send me your PayPal details(PayPal email) so i can pay in. marven_ator@hotmail.se
What to do?
Don't respond to these scam messages. We understand you are keen to sell your vehicle and it would be great if you could sell your car that easily! The old saying of 'if it sounds too good to be true,
it usually is' is very true in this case and when selling your vehicle it is cause to be very wary.
It is unfortunate that we have to deal with the nuisance of scammers on-line.
The best recommendation we can make is ensure that you are educated to protect yourself from
scammers and so they don't profit from their activities.
For more information, please read our other advice sections by following the related links above. |